
MIL OSI - New Zealand

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Universities – Influence over the ages reached James K Baxter and C K Stead

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: University of Canterbury Poetic inspiration comes in many forms, and across many centuries. Even an ardent, if ancient, Roman poet still managed...

Transport – A step towards low carbon transport – Business NZ

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: BusinessNZ BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) executive director Tina Schirr welcomes the Government’s announcement that it is helping deliver more infrastructure and options for low emissions...

Employment – FIRST Union takes aim at exploitative ‘gig economy’

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: First Union FIRST Union’s Real Work Real Jobs campaign is expanding its focus to include ‘gig economy’ workers like Uber drivers and dependent contractors, with...

Activism – NZ Govt acts as advocate for fishing industry at international meeting

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Greenpeace Deepsea Conservation Coalition New Zealand members: ECO, Greenpeace, Forest & Bird, Legasea, Our Seas Our Future, WWF – New Zealand NZ Government acts...

Recipients of 2020 Wild Creations arts initiative announced

Source: Department of Conservation Introduction Two artists have been selected for this year’s Wild Creations, a joint DOC and Creative New Zealand initiative supporting artists to...

Economics – Finance and Expenditure Committee (FEC) 2018-19 Financial Review of the Reserve Bank...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Date: 19 February 2020  Tēnā koutou katoa, welcome all. It is a privilege to be here with you today to...

NZ Government acts as advocate for fishing industry at international meeting

Source: Greenpeace New Zealand As a result of the New Zealand government’s lobbying efforts on behalf of the fishing industry, a regional fisheries meeting this...

Cabinet Paper LEG-19-SUB-0212: State Owned Enterprises Amendment Act 2012 (Solid Energy New Zealand Limited)...

Source: New Zealand Treasury: Accessible HTML version Only the Proposal and Background sections of this Cabinet paper are extracted below in HTML. If you require a...

Strengthening New Zealand’s Immunisation System

Source: New Zealand Government Hundreds of thousands of young adults will be offered measles vaccinations in a new campaign to strengthen New Zealand’s immunisation system,...

Inspiring the Future

Source: Tertiary Education Commission Last updated 19 February 2020Last updated 19 February 2020 Broaden young people’s career aspirations and challenge biases.Broaden young people’s career aspirations and...

Parliament Oral Questions – Oral Questions – 19 February 2020000169

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Oral Questions and Answers Hon SIMON BRIDGES to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by all her Government’s statements and...

AFGHANISTAN: An additional 1.5 million children need help to survive in 2020, warns Save...

Source: Save The Children A quarter of Afghanistan’s population – 9.4m people – will require humanitarian assistance this year. More than half of those in...
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