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Iceland Speaker arrives in New Zealand to discuss renewable energy, tourism

Source: New Zealand Parliament Media Release: Monday 10 February 2020 Steingrímur J. Sigfússon, the Speaker of Iceland’s Althingi, is leading a delegation to New Zealand to...

Round 2 of Investor Confidence Ratings for 6 DHBs

Source: New Zealand Treasury: The second round of Investor Confidence Rating (ICR) assessments for six District Health Boards (DHBs) is now complete. The DHBs assessed...

Media Advisory: Police unveil new digital service trials

Source: New Zealand Police What could Police’s non-emergency services look like in the future? On Wednesday 12 February Police is unveiling two new trials that demonstrate...

Proposal to list medical devices supplied by Mӧlnlycke Health Care Pty Ltd

Source: Pharmac What we’re proposing PHARMAC is seeking feedback on a proposal to list medical devices supplied by Mӧlnlycke Health Care Pty Ltd (“Mӧlnlycke”) in Part...

Haast grazing licence granted, but with tight conditions

Source: Department of Conservation Introduction DOC has approved an application to continue grazing an area of the Haast River, provided strict conditions are met. Date:  10 February 2020 The...

WDC Design Process – Expressions of Interest

Source: Tertiary Education Commission This is an exciting opportunity to help shape Workforce Development Councils and ensure they take a lead in making New Zealand’s...

Grounds maintenance goes green

Source: Auckland University of Technology (AUT) 10 Feb, 2020 Last December, AUT’s grounds maintenance went electric. The Estates team brought in two new grounds maintenance contractors...

Project Moturoa – “the best thing I’ve ever done”

Source: Department of Conservation School just wasn’t working for 17-year old Reann, but she was prepared to give a 10-month course for young Māori a...

Moturoa Project – “the best thing I’ve ever done”

Source: Department of Conservation School just wasn’t working for 17-year old Reann, but she was prepared to give a 10-month course for young Māori a...

NZIER’s Shadow Board recommends no change under coronavirus cloud

Source: New Zealand Institute of Economic Research 10 February 2020 There remains a wide range of views amongst the NZIER Policy Shadow Board on the appropriate...

Reserve Bank launches streamlined whistleblowing policy

Source: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Release date 10 February 2020 The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) has streamlined its external whistleblowing policy for those employed...

Visit of the United Nations independent human rights expert on housing

Source: Human Rights Commission The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Leilani Farha, will begin her 10-day investigation into whether housing is...
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