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Universities and Technology – New technologies put more human-ness into the Zoom (and other...

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: University of Auckland As the pandemic obliged many of us to retreat from the real-world and into the remote one, researchers at...

Waikato researchers receive massive boost for environmental projects

Source: University of Waikato Researchers from the University of Waikato will now be able to advance projects to model the ecosystems of New Zealand’s 3820...

Appeal for information following crash, George Street

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Dunedin Police are looking for a man who is believed to have been a close witness to a crash...

Fixing the Weld – Night-works planned for October for State Highway 1, Weld Pass

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Contractors will resume essential maintenance work on State Highway 1 Weld Pass early next month. It will see three nights of...

Agritech companies helping reduce NZ’s rural emissions

Source: Tāmaki – New Zealand’s agritech companies are helping meet the country’s climate commitments and their innovations are valued internationally which will drive agritech...

War in Gaza: “We are at the limits of what we can do” –...

Source: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) 22 January: With the advance of the Israeli forces, and due to the massive bombardments and ground fighting, Médecins Sans...

Public Service – PSA condemns Dept Internal Affairs job cuts

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: PSA Union members condemn the Department of Internal Affair’s plans to slash jobs in Wellington and Auckland, replacing them with a significantly smaller...

Tech News – New research shows people want an active part in shaping the...

Source: InternetNZ New research, released today by InternetNZ highlights a drive from diverse communities to be more active in shaping the future of the Internet. The research...

Serious crash – SH1, Paekakariki

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Police are responding to a two-vehicle crash northbound on SH1 near MacKays Crossing. The crash, between a car and a...

NZ now needs to consider what our partnership with NATO really means

Source: University of Waikato As a “welcomed guest” at the latest NATO summit in Lithuania, New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins had a front-row seat...

Urgent ocean climate change action essential

Source: Tāmaki Makaurau – The world’s oceans are inextricably linked to climate change. Rising air temperatures due to global warming are melting the polar...

School of Aviation start the year with record-breaking flight hours

Source: Massey University A record-breaking number of flight hours were recorded by the School of Aviation in January 2022. The School of Aviation are off to...
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