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New Zealand shipping

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Campaign for New Zealand coastal tankers says fuel security at risk

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand Three unions representing New Zealand shipping crews are mounting a united campaign to protect New Zealand’s fuel security and...

Removal of New Zealand coastal tankers will put fuel security in jeopardy

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand Unions representing New Zealand seafarers say an announcement that two New Zealand flagged oil tankers will be taken out...

New Zealand shipping answer to supply chain crisis

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand As concerns about New Zealand’s supply chain grow, the Maritime Union says the answers are there to alleviate shipping...

Maritime Union calls for New Zealand shipping to resolve supply chain crisis

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand There needs to be innovative responses to ongoing shipping congestion. Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says...

Deepening supply chain crisis requires action

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand The Maritime Union says New Zealand is facing a deepening crisis in our maritime supply chain, which requires bold...
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