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Children have a basic understanding of poverty – a more equal society means talking...

Source: University of Waikato Rates of child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand remain stubbornly high, despite the issue  being the focus of considerable political attention while...


Source: Mike Treen and System Change Aotearoa Campaign group System Change Aotearoa is hosting a major public meeting this Thursday opposing Wayne Brown and Chris...

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta to attend NATO meeting

Source: New Zealand Government Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nanaia Mahuta, departs for Europe today, where she will attend a session of the NATO Foreign Ministers...

Parliament Hansard Report – Business Statement – 001095

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard BUSINESS STATEMENT Hon GRANT ROBERTSON (Leader of the House): Next week, the committee stage of Appropriation (2021/22 Confirmation and Validation)...

Throwing voting-age legislation onto the ‘policy bonfire’ only delays a debate that has to...

Source: University of Waikato There might have been pragmatic political reasons behind the government throwing voting-age legislation onto its recent policy bonfire, but it remains...

Conference of Pacific Education Ministers – Keynote Address

Source: New Zealand Government E nga mana, e nga iwi, e nga reo, e nga hau e wha, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou kātoa. Warm...

Greenpeace slams Hipkins U-turn on climate and roading

Source: Greenpeace Greenpeace says the decision by Prime Minister Chris Hipkins to reprioritise future transport budgets, away from walking, cycling and public transport, in order to...

New Cabinet focused on bread and butter issues

Source: New Zealand Government The new Cabinet will be focused on core bread and butter issues like the cost of living, education, health, housing and...

Greenpeace – Climate action should be bread and butter for the Chris Hipkins Government

Source: Greenpeace Greenpeace is welcoming Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Deputy Prime Minister Carmel Sepuloni into their new roles in Government with a challenge to make...

Workers thank Jacinda Ardern for her service

Source: Council of Trade Unions – CTU Working people want to express their thanks to outgoing Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for her service and the...

Politics News – CPAG on the Achievements of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern following her...

Source: Child Poverty Action Group The Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) acknowledges the work that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has done to put child poverty on...

Maritime Union offers thanks to Jacinda Ardern

Source: Maritime Union of New Zealand The Maritime Union has offered its thanks to Jacinda Ardern for her service to New Zealand, on her announcement...
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