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Save the Children: Fears grow for children caught up in chaos and violence at...

Source: Save The Children Save the Children is deeply concerned about reports that at least one child has died at sea during a perilous journey...

Travel restrictions reconfirmed as precaution against COVID-19

Source: New Zealand Government Cabinet has confirmed that travel restrictions currently in place for China and Iran will continue for a further week, while people...

Jones’s Southland lackeys should be sacked

Source: Taxpayers Union  2 MARCH 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEProvincial Growth Fund bureaucrats burning taxpayer money to keep the heat off Shane Jones should be fired, says...

Single case of COVID-19 confirmed in New Zealand

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health The first case of COVID-19 is now confirmed in New Zealand in a person in their 60s recently returned...

Government takes further action to protect New Zealanders from COVID-19

Source: New Zealand Government Travel restrictions introduced for Iran from today No exemptions for students from China to enter the country Increased health staff presence at international...

Technology – .nz wholesale domain fee change announced

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: InternetNZ—InternetNZ has announced that .nz wholesale domain fees will change  from $1.25/month to $1.50/month.The change will be applied to newly created...

NZ economy in strong position to respond to coronavirus

Source: New Zealand Government Prepared remarks on coronavirus by Finance Minister Grant Robertson to the Auckland Chamber of Commerce and Massey University. Good morning ladies and...

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) update – 26 February

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health There are still no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand. The overall situation regarding COVID-19 internationally is rapidly evolving...
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