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Massey University

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Top social work students recognised

Source: Massey University Winner of the Merv Hancock Award, Marcalla Pearce (left) and winner of the Ephra Garrett Award, Sam Davis. Marcalla Pearce and Sam Davis...

Opinion: NZ music’s #MeToo moment is a wake-up call for educators

Source: Massey University Dr Catherine Hoad and Dr Oli Wilson of the College of Creative Arts. Opinion: NZ music’s #MeToo moment is a wake-up call for educators: prepare...

Eight thoughts on gender-inclusive language

Source: Massey University The first episode of season two of Conversations That Count – Ngā Kōrero Whai Take takes a look at what inclusive language sounds...

New research funding will help to address future needs of New Zealand

Source: Massey University Creating capacity and capability within the construction sector is the focus of one of the successful programmes. Professor Monty Sutrisna, Head of School...

New partnership between Joint Centre for Disaster Research and Earthquake Commission

Source: Massey University The first JCDR secondment working part-time with EQC on important projects is Dr Emma Hudson Doyle. The Joint Centre for Disaster Research (JCDR) has...

Older people living alone at high risk of malnutrition

Source: Massey University Older adults who are socially isolated, live alone, or are unpartnered have been shown to have poorer food intake, and may be...

Communications graduand on fire

Source: Massey University Grace Forlong graduates with her Bachelor of Communications next week in Wellington, at Massey’s first graduation ceremony of 2021. Grace Forlong found herself...

Auckland Experience Day feeds prospective students’ appetite

Source: Massey University An engineering student’s third-year project Last weekend over 100 prospective students attended the Engineering and Food Technology Experience day at the Auckland campus.  Students...

Māori view on Antarctica’s future

Source: Massey University Māori perspectives need to be included in discussions about Antarctica’s future, according to authors of an article in Nature Ecology & Evolution...

Pandemic novel wins top prize for Massey writing lecturer

Source: Massey University Dr Laura Jean McKay with her prize-winning novel about a pandemic (photo/Dr Kyra Clarke) Now teaching creative writing at Massey’s Manawatū campus, Dr...

Mentoring students through the Tukutuku Māori mentorship programme

Source: Massey University Christian is in his third year at Massey, specialising in Contemporary Visual Arts and Toi Māori. He works with paintings and ready-made...

Indigenous adaptations to climate change explored at COP26 event

Source: Massey University Massey will have a presence at the COP26 Cryosphere Pavilion offshoot event. Award-winning documentary VAKA will be shown at the event. Alaska and Tokelau...
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