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Official New Zealand Government Debt Clock launched at

Source: Taxpayers Union 14 OCTOBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe official ‘New Zealand Government Debt Clock’ has been launched this morning to track in real time the...

Asset tax will hit far more than six percent of New Zealanders

Source: Taxpayers Union 13 OCTOBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe following is an op-ed by Islay Aitchison, Research Officer at the Taxpayers’ Union and spokesperson for the...

Op-ed: Asset tax will hit far more than six percent of New Zealanders

Source: Taxpayers Union The following is an op-ed by Islay Aitchison, Research Officer at the Taxpayers’ Union and spokesperson for the Campaign for Affordable Home...

Revealed: Nearly three quarters of Kiwis oppose an asset tax

Source: Taxpayers Union Polling released today by the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union reveals that 72 percent of New Zealanders oppose an asset tax or “wealth tax”.Exclusive polling by Curia...

[Embargoed] Revealed: Nearly three quarters of Kiwis oppose an asset tax

Source: Taxpayers Union EMBARGOED FOR MIDDAY TODAY (13 OCTOBER)Polling released today by the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union reveals that 72 percent of New Zealanders oppose an asset tax or...

Public Service Commissioner intervenes over Oranga Tamariki video

Source: Taxpayers Union The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is welcoming intervention from the Public Services Commissioner over a video produced by Oranga Tamariki which appeared...

Growing evidence for NZ to adopt Swedish Strategy

Source: Taxpayers Union 8 OCTOBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWhoever wins the coming election should look to Sweden for leadership on the economic response to COVID-19, says...

No Minister! Stop trying to buy a seat with taxpayer money

Source: Taxpayers Union 7 OCTOBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is condemning Shane Jones’ expected announcement of $100m funding for marae renovations  as “a cynical last-minute...

2020 Election Policy Scorecard

Source: Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) 06 October 2020 To inform voters about which policies most effectively reduce child poverty, CPAG’s election scorecard shows our assessment...

Election campaign launched: Tax Relief Now!

Source: Taxpayers Union Today the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union launches its nationwide election campaign for Tax Relief Now.Between now and Election Day we will be making the...

Taxpayer Talk: David Seymour on ACT’s Alternative Budget

Source: Taxpayers Union In this episode, Islay Aitchison talks to ACT leader David Seymour about his party’s proposed tax cuts, public debt and cutting red...

Advisory Opinion sought from Electoral Commission on Oranga Tamariki Tracey Martin video

Source: Taxpayers Union 5 OCTOBER 2020FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThe Taxpayers’ Union has sought the advice of the Electoral Commission today on whether a “Thank you Tracey...
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