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Microban International Enjoys Successful TITAS 2022

Source: Media Outreach TAIPEI, TAIWAN – News Direct – 13 October 2022 – Redefining clean with innovative built-in antimicrobial and odor control technologies Microban International, a global...

Writer 2022 winners announced

Source: University of Otago Winners of the Writer 2022 competition (top row, from left) student poetry winner Lennox Tait, staff poetry winner Abby Smith and...

NZ’s marine coastline deteriorating

Source: Ōtautahi – A sobering picture of the state and future of Aotearoa New Zealand’s marine environment has been painted in the latest ministry...

Policy News – Cut emissions and ban destructive fishing to protect marine environment, says...

Source: Greenpeace Greenpeace is calling on the Government to take further measures to protect the ocean from decline, following the release of a new report from...

RiverLink gets green light for RFP release to market

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency RiverLink, a transformational set of projects for Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai (Lower Hutt), is one step closer to reality...

Creative writing competition winners 2022

Source: University of Otago On the top row, from left, are student poetry winner Lennox Tait, staff poetry winner Abby Smith and alumni poetry winner...

Thousands more homes under Labour

Source: New Zealand Labour Party We’ve just announced a massive infrastructure investment to kick-start new housing developments across New Zealand. Through our Infrastructure Acceleration Fund, we’re...

Massive government infrastructure spend to unlock thousands more homes, stimulate growth

Source: New Zealand Government Critical infrastructure projects to kick-start new housing developments, and accelerate growth in Lower Hutt, Nelson, Rangiora, Ngāruawāhia, Hastings, Motueka, Whanganui and Lake...

Urgent support needed to help people eat

Source: Green Party As another month goes by with record high food prices, the Government needs to urgently increase support for people struggling to put...

Civil Defence News – Disaster preparedness survey results a wakeup call to Kiwis

Source: National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Only two in five New Zealanders feel well prepared for a disaster, says the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA),...

NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party opposes Penalisation of Farmers’ Individually for Carbon Emissions

Source: Press Release ServiceNZ Outdoors and Freedom party supports all farmers and the groups speaking out against this horrendous proposal by the government The Local...

Rental price indexes: September 2022 – Stats NZ information release

Rental price indexes: September 2022 – Information release 13 October 2022 The rental price indexes measure the changes in prices that households pay for housing rentals. Key facts Monthly...
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