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Save the Children – Wallace and Gromit creators team up with Save the Children...

Source: Save the Children To mark the one year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Academy Award®-winning animation studio Aardman – creators of films such as...


Source: Fonterra Fonterra has today provided an update on the sale of its Chilean Soprole business to Gloria Foods – JORB S.A. (Gloria Foods). As announced...

Inquiry into forestry slash and land use welcome, but more needed

Source: Green Party Today’s news of a Ministerial inquiry into forestry slash and land use in Te Tarāwhiti/Gisborne and Wairoa is welcome, but the forestry...

Taste the Spice with 7-Eleven’s NEW Fiery and Tasty Meals!

Source: Media Outreach SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 22 February 2023 – It’s safe to say that Singaporeans are no novices when it comes to...

Budget 2023 date confirmed

Source: New Zealand Government Budget 2023 will be delivered on Thursday 18 May, Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced today. “This year’s budget will be delivered in...

$25 million for cyclone Gabrielle primary sector recovery

Source: Te Whanganui-a-Tara – The government is providing $25 million to kick-start recovery efforts for farmers, growers, whenua Māori owners and rural communities significantly...

Cyclone News – New Zealand Apples & Pears Inc cyclone update statement

Source: Horticulture New Zealand ‘The Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne apple industry is in an unprecedented position. ‘We have a significant number of orchards that have been largely...

Rural News – Cut the red tape to speed recovery – Federated Farmers

Source: Federated Farmers Federated Farmers is pleased that Horizons Regional Council (Manawatu-Whanganui) has recognised the need to get on and get work done on farm by...

Politics News – Greenpeace warns politicians – get ready for a climate election

Source: Greenpeace Greenpeace Aotearoa is telling politicians to prepare themselves for a climate election. “Cyclone Gabrielle and the Auckland floods have changed the way New Zealanders think...

Government details $25 million to Cyclone Gabrielle primary sector recovery

Source: New Zealand Government $25 million in grants to support farmers and growers, taking total primary sector support to $29 million so far Grants for growers...

Chris Hipkins: Prime Minister’s Statement 2023

Source: New Zealand Labour Party This Statement is being presented at a difficult time for our country. Many New Zealanders are doing it tough as...

Decision on permanent closure of SH8 Clyde-Alexandra Road/ Mutton Town Road intersection

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has opted for a left-turn in only to improve safety at the Mutton Town Road/Clyde-Alexandra...
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