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Order of New Zealand dinner 2020

Source: New Zealand Governor General Kei aku rangatira e pae nei, tēnei aku mihi nui ki a koutou. Kia ora tātou katoa. Members of the Order of New...

Economic Performance – Gisborne King of the castle as Coronavirus weighs on forecasts

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: ASB Bank   Gisborne ended 2019 as King of the Scoreboard castle, making it three consecutive quarters on the trot. The Mighty Waikato jumped...

Auckland overnight motorway closures 8–14 March 2020

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Work delayed by bad weather will be...

Order of New Zealand dinner

Source: New Zealand Governor General Kei aku rangatira e pae nei, tēnei aku mihi nui ki a koutou. Kia ora tātou katoa. Members of the Order of New...

Slime time! Action for our rivers

Source: Greenpeace New Zealand Remember watching that Saturday morning kids’ TV, ‘What Now?’ and seeing people get gunged with cold, sticky slime? All too often, what...

Greenpeace gunges fertiliser company

Source: Greenpeace New Zealand Management at Ravensdown fertiliser company in Christchurch are arriving at work this morning to discover they’ve been slimed. The main entranceway to...

Mission possible – a great Auckland family day out

Source: Auckland Council With so many great destinations, free summer events and public transport options on offer, urban adventures in Auckland don’t need to break...

Massey University appointed to research M. bovis impacts on infected animals

Source: Ministry for Primary Industries The Mycoplasma bovis Programme (the Ministry for Primary Industries, DairyNZ, and Beef + Lamb New Zealand) has appointed Massey University...

Dairy Sector – Fonterra Chairman confirms retirement in November

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (FCG) Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (FCG) Chairman John Monaghan has confirmed that he will retire as a Director...

Activism and Environment – Greenpeace gunges fertiliser company

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Greenpeace Thursday, 5 March: Management at Ravensdown fertiliser company in Christchurch are arriving at work this morning to discover they’ve been slimed. The main entranceway...

Education programme launched to address skills shortage in primary industries

Source: Massey University Massey Dean of Enterprise Dr Gavin Clarke (L), Massey Council member Colin Harvey and Massey Deputy Vice-Chancellor Students and Alumni Tere McGonagle-Daly...

NZ Ambassador to Chair WTO General Council

Source: New Zealand Government New Zealand’s Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ambassador David Walker has been appointed to chair the WTO General Council.   It...
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