
natural disasters

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Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Fire and Emergency New Zealand Firefighters are fighting a fire in Richard Pearse Drive, Mangere. 11 fire crews from across Auckland are at the...

Government review of weather forecasting system – Statement by NIWA Chief Executive John Morgan

Source: NIWA – National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research “We are pleased with and support Treasury and MBIE’s review of weather forecasting announced by...

Arrests made following warrants in Tairawhiti.

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Attributable to Detective Senior Sergeant Mark Moorhouse: Police have arrested five people over the last week after executing two search...

$783k Jubilee penalty highlights operator health and safety responsibilities

Source: Maritime New Zealand Maritime NZ says the prosecution of Ocean Fisheries Limited, operators of the Jubilee, sends a message to vessels’ owners and operators...

$5 billion boost to transport funding for 2024-27, to $20.8 billion

Source: New Zealand Government Transport Minister David Parker has today released the draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on land transport for consultation. The draft GPS...

Environment – Greenpeace activists climb Fertiliser Association building to highlight industrial dairying’s role in...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Greenpeace Greenpeace activists have scaled the office building of the Fertiliser Association in Wellington, to highlight the role of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser in...

Climate News – Finity announces a strategic partnership with NIWA, New Zealand’s foremost source...

Source: Finity Auckland, 21 August 2023 – Leading actuarial and analytics firm, Finity, has formalised a strategic partnership with the National Institute of Water and...

Offshore wind industry poised for growth, but economic pressures and tech innovation need to...

Source: Media Outreach In its new report, ‘A turning point for offshore wind’, Allianz Commercial highlights growth opportunities, tech innovations, risk trends, and loss patterns...

Police officer shot at in Northland

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) At around 4.13am this morning a car has pulled out in front of a Police vehicle and stopped in...

Appointment of Environment Court Judge

Source: New Zealand Government Christchurch barrister Kelvin Reid has been appointed as a Judge of the Environment Court and the District Court, Attorney-General David Parker...
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