
5 ways to take care of Mother Earth this Mother’s Day

Source: Auckland Council Where would we be without our mums? With Mother’s Day coming up on 12 May, why not spend the day with your...

Lust and laughs galore in Summer Shakespeare

Source: Massey University Summer Shakespeare Twelfth Night actors (from left): Massey graduate Cam Dickons (playing Sebastian); Sasha Lipinksy (playing Viola/Cesario) and Lisa Swinbanks (playing Olivia)....

Wind turbine blades to be moved from Taranaki Port to Palmerston North from next...

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Nearly 100 huge wind turbine blades will be transported by truck to a storage facility on the outskirts of Palmerston...

Appointments – Appointment of Independent Director to Fonterra Board

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: Fonterra Fonterra today announced the appointment of a new Independent Director, Holly Kramer, who will join the Fonterra Board as an Independent...

Jacinda Ardern’s arts agency now in damage control

Source: Taxpayers Union Dear Supporter,Creative NZ goes into damage control We’ve spent the last week on social media releasing examples of bizarre art projects given taxpayer...

Meet K-Drama stars of new series ‘KAIROS’ on #TwitterBlueroom Live before its premiere

Source: Media Outreach “Following Kpop, K-Drama is mesmerizing global fans–now on Twitter”Twitter announces the first live event of its kind for a K-Drama.Seungyun Kang of...

Traffic control for Bay Dreams 2021

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises there will be extensive traffic management in place around Baypark Arena and the surrounding...

Powered by Pink: Keeping Valentine’s Day Promises with the AOC AG273FXR Agon monitor in...

Source: Media Outreach KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – Media OutReach – 8 February 2021 – You may not necessarily be together in person with your special love during this pandemic, but thanks to...

Galaxy Entertainment Group Continues Expansion with The Development of The Legendary Raffles at Galaxy...

Source: Media Outreach New All-Suite Tower at The Galaxy Resort Has Topped Off; Looks To Raise The Bar with Heritage Luxury Brand, Curated Digital Art,...

Carnivorous Plant Society

Source: Auckland Council Melt your mind as the cinematic world of genius ensemble Carnivorous Plant Society fills Auckland’s spiritual home of movies for one night...

Stay Fit, Stay Active 24/7 in Quarantine @ Dorsett Wanchai

Source: Media Outreach From HK$800nett/night with daily 3 meals & up to US$281 Cash Credits upon booking including the newly introduced ‘Fitness Suite’ featuring in-suite...

A fiesta to celebrate Spanish @ Massey

Source: Massey University Lindisfarne College Spanish students visiting the Manawatū campus. Alda Rezende and Noel Clayton. Music, stories, Spanish and South American wine, and Argentinian empanadas will...
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