
Child Poverty

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Green Party launches vision for the next government

Source: Green Party The Green Party has launched its manifesto for the 2023 election. “Today we are setting out a bold and achievable plan to build...

Teachers need a lot of things right now, but another curriculum ‘rewrite’ isn’t one...

Source: University of Waikato Less than a fortnight after teachers staged a national strike, education was back in the headlines with the National Party’s release...

Now, more than ever, we must whakamana Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Source: Green Party The Green Party is urging the Government to recognise its commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi so our tamariki and mokopuna can...

Employment Negotiations – Business NZ’s move on fair pay is a desperate plea to...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: First Union This morning’s announcement by industry group Business NZ that it intends to renege on participation in the development of Fair Pay...

Change the tax system to support struggling households

Source: Green Party While inflation is no longer increasing, the current rate will still bring little comfort to families struggling to make ends meet, says...

Health and Independence Report 2022

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health The 2022 Health and Independence Report presents an overview of the state of public health in Aotearoa New Zealand...

The only trade-off that matters

Source: Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) 14 June 2022 Does society care enough about the poorest children to pay the around $500 million per annum required...

Greens’ Income Guarantee is needed more than ever

Source: Green Party Continued rising food prices shows exactly why Aotearoa needs the Green Party’s Income Guarantee. “As food prices continue to rise, tens of thousands...

Govt action provides extra income to 39,000 sole parents

Source: New Zealand Government “Around 39,000 sole parent families now have more weekly income to support their children due to the Child Support (Pass On)...

ChildFund NZ joins global experts to prevent child abuse online

Source: ChildFund New Zealand Reports of online child sexual abuse material have increased 15,000% over the last 15 years, with nine out of ten victims aged between 3...

Third and final reburial for cemetery project

Source: University of Otago Drybread Cemetery.The Southern Cemeteries Archaeological Project will soon be complete, when the third and final reburial ceremony takes place at Drybread...

Acquisition – Full Government Ownership of Kiwibank welcomed – Social Credit

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: Chris Leitch, Leader of Social Credit Party The move by Finance Minister Grant Robertson to take full government control of Kiwibank is...
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