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Coronavirus: how economic rescue plans can set the global economy on a path to...

Source: Greenpeace New Zealand Fuyu Liu/ShutterstockJohn Barry, Queen’s University Belfast As states contemplate how to restart the global economy after the pandemic, it’s important to remember...

Save the Children: Covid-19 set to impact hundreds of thousands of children in dangerous...

Source: Save The Children Effects of COVID-19 could reverse progress made on child rights in Nigeria COVID-19 will impact most marginalised children from low-income families if...

MYANMAR: 16 agencies express extreme concern after the death of an aid worker transporting...

Source: Save The Children With shock and sadness 16 humanitarian organizations received the news of a fatal shooting incident involving a vehicle of the World...

Using data to support the most vulnerable children

Source: Save The Children The COVID-19 pandemic is a threat to each and every community around the world. While children seem to be less directly...

Pacific Issues – Subsidiarity is the Key to Humanitarian Response in the age of...

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: Caritas The threat of introducing COVID-19 in the Pacific has to be considered in humanitarian efforts to get support on the ground...

Human Rights – First case of COVID-19 in North East Syria: dire conditions prompt...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Save the Children Sonia Khush, Save the Children Syria Response Director said: “We’re desperately hoping that this first COVID-19 case in North East Syria...

Save the Children: ‘Outbreak could cause millions of children to suffer for years to...

Source: Save The Children Children’s rights must be at the heart of the COVID-19 response, Save the Children said today, to ensure an entire generation...

Save the Children: ‘Covid-19 could cause millions of children to suffer for years to...

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: Save the Children Children’s rights must be at the heart of the Covid-19 response, Save the Children said today, to ensure an entire...

Engaging children in the COVID-19 response and beyond

Source: Save The Children Last week, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) launched an important Words into Action guidelines: Engaging children and...

New education head ponders learning beyond COVID-19

Source: Massey University Associate Professor Alison Kearney, who will become the next head of the Institute of Education in May. The immense challenges for education in...

Food ration cuts by WFP in Uganda come at worst possible time

Source: Save The Children Uganda hosts more than 1.4 million refugees, the third most in the world. Restrictions on movement and economic activity, which have...

Union leaders join call for end to welfare relationship rules

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: CTU In the face of growing unemployment, the Council of Trade Unions is joining the call for Work and Income NZ’s relationship rules...
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