
Death penalty 2020: Lowest number of executions globally in a decade for third consecutive...

Source: Amnesty International NZ Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia accounted for 88% of known global executions in 2020 Egypt tripled number of yearly executions Iran accounted for 56%...

Cityneon Raises S$235 Million; Well Positioned for Next Growth Chapter

Source: Media Outreach The global experience entertainment company gets a S$235 million shot in the arm, closes its private fund raising in April 2021Investors both...

Albert-Eden’s local heroes named

Source: Auckland Council “The last two years have been hard for many in our local communities,” says Albert-Eden Local Board Chair Margi Watson who was...

No new community cases; 1 border case; 1 new historical case of COVID-19

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health There are no new community cases of COVID-19 to report today. There is one border worker who has returned a...

COVID-19 hits those shackled by oppression hardest thanks to decades of inequalities, neglect and...

Source: Amnesty International NZ Pandemic lays bare massive systemic inequality worldwide with ethnic minorities, health workers, and women among the most severely impacted Report finds COVID-19...

Aid organisations to governments: give a single day’s military spending to fight hunger

Source: Save The Children Only 26 hours of global military spending is enough to cover the $5.5 billion needed to help most at risk   A...

Campaigning for her rights: Asia, 17, from Tanzania

Source: Save The Children Asia is a 17-year-old from Zanzibar, Tanzania. She’s been working to campaign for children rights and the fight against violence in...

Commemorating Anzac Day

Source: Auckland Council Auckland Council is proud to partner with the Auckland RSA to deliver Auckland’s 2021 Anzac Day. Below are all the details you...

CLIMATE CRISIS – 710 million children live in countries at high risk

Source: Save The Children Sahra* (8) and her family have been impacted by the drought in Somalia. Save the Children warns that drastic action is needed...

No new community cases; 4 new cases of COVID-19 in managed isolation in 2...

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health There are no new cases in the community to report today. There are four new positive cases of COVID-19 and...

When emails go bad – phishing at Otago

Source: University of Otago With a global cybersecurity threat map (left) and cyberattack map are (from left front) University of Otago IT Assurance and Cyber...

Climate change risks flushing away global progress on sanitation

Source: MakeLemonade.nz Te Whanganui a Tara – Researchers call for urgent action to adjust public health programmes for climate change. Increasingly frequent, extreme weather events linked...
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