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Jamine Pene Wins E Tū Whānau Song Competition

Source: Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Jasmine Pene fell in love with music as a child, but only recently tapped into her musical skills.  The Toi...

Innovation funding gives life to knowledge-sharing network

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health The Government’s commitment to increase innovation and collaboration across mental wellbeing services in New Zealand has enabled the establishment...

What the annual child poverty stats tell us

Source: Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) Covid-19 is no excuse for government failure to care for our kids A deep dive into the latest child poverty...

Using KiwiBuild money to block new housing is absurd

Source: Taxpayers Union 16 MARCH 2021FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEResponding to Newshub’s report that the Government used KiwiBuild funds to purchase the disputed land at Ihumātao, New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union  spokesman...

Public info days held for Rotorua’s transport projects this month

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency The Rotorua community is invited to learn more about key projects and plans for the city’s transport network at public...

Action plan to tackle modern forms of slavery released

Source: New Zealand Government Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Wood today released New Zealand’s Plan of Action against Forced Labour, People Trafficking and Slavery,...

Parliament Oral Questions – Oral Questions – 16 March 2021000293

Source: New Zealand Parliament – Oral Questions and Answers Dr SHANE RETI to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by all her Government’s statements and...

Preparedness is key in the face of tsunami threat

Source: Auckland Council On Friday 5 March, three large earthquakes struck off the north east coast of New Zealand.  The last of these was a...

Waikato’s Pahautea Hut now bookable online

Source: Department of Conservation Date:  16 March 2021 The 20-bunk Pahautea Hut is one of the most popular in the DOC’s Waikato district, and has been added...

Covid-19 and the impact on our wellbeing – 48 countries compared

Source: University of Waikato A University of Waikato academic has played a key role in an international study researching human experience, behaviour and attitudes towards...

Media Investigation – Stuff Circuit latest Podcast released ‘Deleted – New Zealand’s links to...

Source: MIL-OSI SubmissionsSource: Stuff.co.nz Stuff Circuit’s latest documentary, Deleted, investigates China’s persecution of Uyghurs and reveals how all of us – including the New Zealand...

Conviction for Samuel Ian Glasgow

Source: Companies Office – Press Release/Statement: Headline: Conviction for Samuel Ian Glasgow Samuel Ian Glasgow was convicted under: Section 261(6A) of the Companies Act 1993 on one...
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