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New protection for dolphins and support for changes to fishing methods

New protection for dolphins and support for changes to fishing methods

Source: New Zealand Government Extensive new protections are being put in place as part of an updated plan to look after New Zealand’s native Hector’s...

Number of new homes consented drops in North Island, rises in South – Stats...

Number of new homes consented drops in North Island, rises in South – Media release 2 February 2023 In 2022, there were 36,291 homes consented in the...

Government commits to change for Well Child Tamariki Ora

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is promising significant change to a programme which supports the health, development and wellbeing of all tamariki from birth...

Two weeks left to help shape Auckland’s future

Source: Auckland Council With two weeks left to go, Auckland Council is urging people to give their feedback on how Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland should grow over...

The COVID-zero strategy may be past its use-by date, but New Zealand still has...

Source: University of Canterbury Home > News > 2021 > 06 October 2021 In a new article on The Conversation, University of Canterbury’s Professor Michael Plank explains why we...

COP28: WWF says ‘Earth is down but not out’ as countries agree to transition...

Source: World Wildlife Fund Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Dec. 13): In a significant moment for global climate action, countries at the COP28 UN climate summit...
Next steps for managed isolation and quarantine facilities

Next steps for managed isolation and quarantine facilities

Source: New Zealand Government Doubling of New Zealand Defence Force staff at managed isolation and quarantine facilities. Urgent review of end-to-end protocols and their application at...

Icy night ahead in South Island after icy weekend

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency warns all drivers on alpine and semi-alpine passes in the South Island to beware of...

And we’re rolling on Government’s Screen Sector Review

Source: New Zealand Government The Government is taking action to secure the long-term future of the film and television industry through proposals released today for...

Hamilton police appeal for witnesses, dash cam footage – aggravated robbery

Source: New Zealand Police (District News) Please attribute to Detective Sergeant Nicholas Stark, Hamilton CIB:  Police investigating an aggravated robbery at Hamilton bank yesterday are following...

BusinessNZ on New Zealand economy “roller coaster”

Source: MIL-OSI Submissions Source: BusinessNZ The forecast for the September quarter shows a fluid situation with Covid issues still dominating the economic landscape, BusinessNZ Chief Executive Kirk...

Boatie fined for illegal island landing

Source: Department of Conservation Date:  14 June 2022 The Department of Conservation (DOC) pursued an investigation against the boatie earlier this year after he rowed a dinghy...
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