Council invites feedback on bus options and consent fees


Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council

Chair Craig Pauling said some big decisions were made in the Long-Term Plan last year, and its important people know that most of that work is still going ahead.

“What we’re looking at here are some changes we’ve had to make to work that was dependent on central government funding, particularly around public transport.

“Our goal of providing an improved modern public transport service remains unchanged, but the ‘how’ and ‘when’ has required a re-think.”

The main topics we want feedback on as part of the draft Annual Plan 2025/26 are:

  • Greater Christchurch bus zones
  • A proposal to trial a Darfield to Rolleston bus service
  • Proposed improvements to the Route 85 Rolleston-to-City direct bus service.

For Selwyn residents in particular, these changes could impact your rates.

“We’re really pleased to see the Selwyn questions in there,” said Pauling.

“The Selwyn community has been asking us about these services for some time now, so it’s good to be able to respond and get the proposals out for consultation.”

Tell us what you think by 5pm, 3 April 2025. Visit

Proposed changes to Fees and Charges

While consulting on the Annual Plan, we’re also taking the opportunity to see what people think about a few changes we’re proposing to our fees and charges. In particular, we’re looking at deposits and hourly charges relating to consents, which could impact users of this service, and everyone who pays rates.

“We want to ensure the cost of services is spread appropriately between users of the service and general ratepayers,” said Pauling.

“There is a public good in having a consenting service, so it is fair and reasonable to expect some wider contribution, but the ratio needs to be right. So, we are striving to achieve the 66 per cent user-pays target we set last year in the Long-Term Plan.”

Find out more and tell us what you think at

Make your voice heard

Chair Pauling encourages people to read the draft annual plan, which lays out the $358 million dollar work programme the council plans to deliver in 2025/26, and the proposals for consents fees and charges.

“The community’s feedback will shape our final decisions, so it’s really important that people make themselves heard.”

Consultation is open from Friday 28 February until 5pm, 3 April 2025.

Find out more


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