Source: Green Party
The Green Party is launching a petition calling on the Government to extend visa-free travel to visitors from Pacific Island nations.
“Aotearoa is part of the family of Pacific nations, and we must remove unfair barriers to entry for our Pacific whānau,” says Green Party spokesperson for Pacific Peoples Teanau Tuiono.
“We are a Pacific nation, as will be shown by the rich cultural expression and coming together of peoples at this weekend’s Pasifika festival in Tāmaki Makaurau.”
“Despite our country’s many bonds with the region, people from Pacific countries have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to get a visitor visa approved, and often see their visas unfairly declined.”
“Visitors from 60 countries are currently able to access Aotearoa without a visa – not a single one of those countries is a Pacific Island country.”
“Our petition calls on the Government to demonstrate that Aotearoa values our relationship with Pacific countries, and start to build an immigration system that values community, connection, and fairness.”
“The Green Party wants to give our whānau, āiga and communities certainty to visit Aotearoa,” says Teanau Tuiono.