Otoko Hill recovery work enters final phase


Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

As the State Highway 2 Otoko Hill recovery work enters its final phase, crews are ready to begin work on the last of nine projects helping to make this section of highway safer and more reliable for Tairāwhiti communities.

Work has been underway at SH2 Otoko Hill north of Gisborne since last winter on a number of sites, including repairs to underslips, overslips and extensive improvements to drainage.

From Monday (3 March), work will start between Hihiroroa Road and Fitzgerald Road to install extensive counterfort drains on both upward and downward slopes to help reduce water pressure in the hills, channelling it away from the road.

Transport Rebuild East Coast (TREC) Alliance crews, on behalf of NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, have carried out similar drainage work across the Otoko Hills but on a smaller scale to this final project,” says TREC Project Manager Richard Bayley.

“People who regularly travel through Otoko Hill will have seen the progress the team is making in improving this once vulnerable route and we’re very grateful for their support and patience, as we progress towards the end of this series of work.”

Crews will be on site Monday to Friday until mid-year, working between 7am and 5pm.

Temporary traffic lights will be in place and NZTA is reminding all road users to expect delays.

Three active worksites will be underway simultaneously on Otoko Hill for a short time in early March and we’re encouraging people to plan their journeys and check NZTA’s Journey Planner before they travel.

Tree removal

As part of this work, tree removal on this stretch of highway also needs to be undertaken.

Following ecology and environmental assessments, currently underway, work is expected to begin in mid-March and take approximately four weeks to complete.

This work will be done under a stop-stop traffic arrangement with delays of up to 15 minutes expected. This wait time could be longer if a tree is being felled at that time.

Pilot vehicles will be used to escort road users through the site safely.

Tree removal and trimming is required as part of the recovery work.

We will provide confirmed details of this work as soon as we have it.


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