Infrastructure Pipeline continues to grow


Source: New Zealand Government

The latest quarterly update from the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission shows that the value of infrastructure projects in the National Infrastructure Pipeline totals $204 billion, an increase of $60.4 billion since the last quarter, Infrastructure Minister Chris Bishop says. 

The Pipeline is managed by the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission and provides a national view of current and future infrastructure projects, from roads, to water infrastructure, to schools, and more.

“The December 2024 Pipeline update shows there are over 1500 projects currently under construction, worth a total of $48.6 billion. There are $107.9 billion of infrastructure projects that have a funding source confirmed, an increase of $8.1 billion from previous quarter,” says Mr Bishop. 

“A strong pipeline of infrastructure projects means a growing economy with more jobs and more opportunities for Kiwis.

“The Commission’s projections show that more than $15.1 billion is expected to be spent across all infrastructure sectors in 2025. This spend is equivalent to around 3.6 per cent of our GDP. The transport sector accounts for the biggest spend, with more than $7.7 billion – 51 per cent of our total spend in 2025.

“The Commission continues to work with infrastructure providers to improve the transparency and quality of information that is available. A more complete Pipeline improves the effectiveness and value that we can gain from this tool.

“The Pipeline now includes information on more than 7,600 infrastructure projects that are underway or being planned by 147 organisations. A more robust and transparent pipeline is good for New Zealand infrastructure. It can help us understand where there are pressures and opportunities for the construction sector.

“The estimated value of projects in the Pipeline changes over time as infrastructure providers complete projects, update their project planning, improve the scope and quality of the information they submit, and as more organisations contribute their project information.

“It’s great to see the number of organisations that contribute to the Pipeline continues to grow. There are now 108 organisations contributing, which include central government, local government, and the private sector

“In December eleven more councils joined the Pipeline – making 59 in total. Local government has a major role in New Zealand’s infrastructure, and I encourage the remaining councils and any infrastructure provider who is not yet contributing to reach out to the Commission.”

Read the latest Pipeline update:


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