Housing investment will deliver 400 affordable homes for whānau Māori


Source: New Zealand Government

Whānau across the country will benefit from greater access to affordable homes thanks to accelerating $200 million Government investment in Māori housing, says Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka.

The Minister today announced $200 million in funding will be accelerated into Māori housing projects across the country that will enable the delivery of 400 affordable rentals in high-need areas by the end of June 2027.

“We are firmly focussed on enabling economic growth that will improve people’s lives. Our partnerships with Māori entities for affordable housing is key for enabling people to live in warm, stable and secure affordable homes,” Mr Potaka said.

“Increasing the supply of safe stable housing can mean a world of difference for whānau and tamariki in terms of their health and wellbeing, as well as for improving school attendance and maintaining employment.

“The projects will specifically support vulnerable and lower income people who are experiencing poor or inadequate housing, including those transitioning from emergency housing. 

“This is an important pouwhenua for Māori housing because the funding has now been actively committed to specific brick-and-mortar projects and construction can begin.

“These projects are focussed on priority regions for new affordable housing, including Te Tai Tokerau, Te Tairāwhiti, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, and Waikato.

“Today’s announcement comes soon after the commitments we made in October announcing $35 million to enable 100 affordable rentals in partnership with Waikato-Tainui and November to provide funding of $82 million for 12 projects with Māori housing providers to enable about 200 affordable rental homes. This brings the total to 700 affordable homes. 

“Supporting Māori organisations to deliver affordable housing will tautoko whānau who have been living in severe housing deprivation including emergency housing. 

“Today’s announcement is another step forward as we work to end New Zealand’s housing crisis. We are also unlocking land for housing inside and around our cities, building infrastructure, and driving down building costs and making it easier to build. We are ensuring we have a steady supply of social housing becoming available, with the addition of thousands of homes to be delivered by Kāinga Ora and Community Housing Providers over the next couple of years.”

Mā te haumitanga whare e tū ai kia 400 ngā whare utu-pai mō ngā whānau Māori 

Ko ngā whānau huri i te motu ka whai hua i te whakarahi ake o ngā whare utu ngāwari, mā te haumi a te Kāwanatanga e $200 miriona te rahi, tā Minita Tama Potaka.

Nō te rangi nei i whakapaohotia e te Minita te pūtea e $200 miriona mō ngā kaupapa whai whare Māori huri noa i te motu, kia whakarite i ngā whare rēti e 400 ki ngā wāhi e tino mate nui ana, i mua o te mutunga o Hune, 2027.

“Mārō ana kia tautokona te whakatipu o te ohaoha e piki ai te ora o te tangata.  Mātua rā ko tā mātou mahitahi ki ngā hinonga Māori mō ēnei whare utu-pai, e noho ai te hunga ki te mahana, te haumaru hoki o te whakaruruhau utu ngāwari,” tā Potaka.

“Mō te ora o ngā tamariki me ngā whānau, he hāpai nui te whakapiki i ngā whare e haumaru ana, ka mutu, ka hāpai hoki i te hokihoki ki te kura me te ū ki te wāhi mahi.

“Ka aro pū ngā kaupapa ki te tautoko i te hunga mōrerarea, iti noa rānei te pūtea whiwhi, e raru ana hoki i te korenga o ngā whare pai, tae atu ki ērā e hūnuku ana i ngā nōhanga ohotata.

“Kātahi rā te pouwhenua ko tēnei mō te whai whare Māori nā te mea kua whakatauriate pūtea motuhake mō te rawa whakatū whare, ā, kua wātea kia tīmata ai te hanganga mai.

“Ko ngā kaupapa e aronui ana ki ngā takiwā whakaarotau e whai whare utu-pai hou pēnei i Te Tai Tokerau, i Te Tairāwhiti, i Te Waiariki, i a Taranaki, i Te Matau a Māui me Waikato.”

“Ko te whakapaoho o te rā nei ka whai i ērā nō te Oketopa tonu mō te $35 miriona e āhei ana kia100 o ngā whare rēti utu-pai mā te mahitahi ki a Waikato-Tainui me te whakapāoho nō te Nōema, kia tautokona ngā ratonga whare Māori me ngā kaupapa 12 ki te $82 miriona,  mā konā e rite ai kia 200 ngā whare rēti utu-pai. Arā, ka 700 katoa ngā whare utu-pai.

“Mā te tautoko i ngā hinonga Māori ki te whakarite i ngā whare utu-pai, ka tautokona ngā whānau kua noho ki te āhua whakatikitanga whai whare, ki ngā whare ohotata hoki.  E ū ana tēnei Kāwanatanga ki te whakapiki i ngā hua pai mō te Māori, kia piki ake hoki ngā tamariki Māori e mate ana ki te noho ki ngā whare e tika ana”

“Ko tēnei whakapaoho he tohu i ō mātou mahi kia mutu te pōraruraru whare ki Aotearoa nei. Ka whakawātea whenua mātou mō te whakatū whare ki roto, ki ngā tahataha anō hoki o ngā tāone nui, te whakarite hanganga me te whakaheke i ngā utu hanga kia ngāwari ai te mahi hanga. Ko tō mātou aronga kia pai ai te rere o ngā mahi hanga whare pāpori, kia tāpiri anō hoki ki ngā kāinga manomano ka whakatūria e Kāinga Ora me ngā Ratonga Whare hei ngā tau e heke mai nei.”


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