Greenpeace – Jones reveals Govt’s actual climate policy – expanding fossil fuel extraction


Source: Greenpeace

The Government’s true climate policy, which is to increase fossil fuel extraction, was revealed today in the release of the finalised mining policy, says Greenpeace.
“Just a few hours after the Government released an updated Paris Climate Target, their actual climate policy was revealed by Shane Jones in the policy to increase fossil fuel extraction,” says Greenpeace Aotearoa executive director Russel Norman.
“The Luxon Government wants to fast track coal mining and restart oil and gas exploration, which is a complete contradiction to the objectives of the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse emissions.”
The Government’s announcement went one step further with a threat to introduce regulations that will force banks to finance fossil fuel expansion.
“Shane Jones, acting as an agent of foreign mining companies, is attempting to force fossil fuel extraction on New Zealanders, most of whom want a responsible climate policy,” says Norman.
“Overseas-based fossil fuel companies will walk away with profits while New Zealanders will be left to pay the clean-up costs.
The offshore oil company Tamarind Oil left New Zealanders with a $400m clean-up bill when they went bankrupt.
“The Government’s true climate policy must be judged by their actions not their words – and their actions are more fossil fuel extraction.”


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