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Source: New Zealand Government

An uplift to New Zealand’s organic product trade is expected through a new upgraded arrangement with China, Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard says.

“The upgraded Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) for organic products will deliver opportunities for our organic export sector.”

The upgraded MRA was signed in Central Otago today by Andrew Hoggard and Mr Luo Wen, China’s Minister for State Administration for Market Regulation.

“It will see New Zealand and China develop and undertake a joint work programme to strengthen trade and focus on boosting exports of New Zealand organic bulk food service ingredients and streamlining the certification process.”

According to industry figures, organic exports to China were worth more than $81 million in 2021/22.

“The MRA, in place since 2022, formally recognises that both New Zealand’s and China’s organic production and certification systems achieve equivalent outcomes. The upgraded MRA recognises the confidence we have in each other’s organic systems, a shared commitment towards boosting two-way trade, and the strength of our bilateral relationship.” 

“Strengthening our organic exports to China will also help deliver the Government’s ambitious goal of doubling the value of our exports in the next 10 years. This will drive more value for our growers and rural communities across New Zealand.” 

“Government is committed to supporting the success of Kiwi businesses and the upgraded MRA sets the foundations for a long and successful export market for our hardworking organic growers, manufacturers, and exporters,” Andrew Hoggard says.

The new upgraded MRA takes effect from today, with the development of the New Zealand and China joint work programme expected to start this year.