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Source: ACT Party

“ACT welcomes the Solicitor-General withdrawing recently published prosecution guidelines, which did not reflect the Government’s values of treating New Zealanders equally regardless of their race,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“The proposed guidelines were totally inconsistent with the values of a civilised country where everyone is equal before the law.

“This change shows our Government is committed to the most Kiwi of values; no matter who you are or how you were born, you deserve the same equal rights, choices and chances at life.

“It also shows New Zealand is getting the real change we voted for, last year.

“I respect the autonomy and independence of the Solicitor-General, but the Government has set a clear direction where racial discrimination is not acceptable, no matter how deeply embedded in the public service it is.

“This kind of divisive policy rained down in buckets, unchallenged, and uncorrected by the previous Government. Now we have a Government committed to equal rights for all. The Need Not Race cabinet circular negotiated by ACT underlines that commitment.

“ACT called out these guidelines as soon as we became aware of them, including raising the issue with the Attorney-General. We are welcome the swift response, preventing what would have otherwise been an egregious breach of the foundational principles of our country.

“We fund Crown prosecutors to deliver justice without fear nor favour. The updated Prosecution Guidelines must reflect that and uphold the principle of equality before the law.”