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Source: BusinessNZ

BusinessNZ has welcomed the Government’s pledge to improve the policies holding back overseas investment.
The Government has indicated it will change the Overseas Investment Act and the policy settings for foreign investment, within the next year.
BusinessNZ Chief Executive Katherine Rich said the current rules make it difficult and uncertain for overseas investors to consider investing here.
“As a result we are missing out on investment that is going to other economies.
“BusinessNZ has long advocated for new policy settings to allow us to gain the benefits of overseas capital – to grow businesses and assets and grow New Zealanders’ incomes.
“Business will be heartened by the move.
“The Prime Minister’s suggestion of a service similar to Ireland’s Industrial Development Agency – to provide information, help and a courteous welcome to potential investors – is also encouraging.
“New Zealand needs to make it clear that we welcome investment.” 
The BusinessNZ Network including BusinessNZ, EMA, Business Central, Business Canterbury and Business South, represents and provides services to thousands of businesses, small and large, throughout New Zealand.