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Source: BusinessNZ

The Government’s policy statement on electricity should provide a business confidence boost within the energy sector, the BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) says.
Executive Director Tina Schirr welcomes the Government’s approach in addressing the energy trilemma – sustainability, security and equity – as the road to affordability, and encourages everyone to take a broader view of the energy equation.
“Beyond electrification, we must consider clean fuel solutions for our large energy users, including shipping and aviation – which connect us to the rest of the world. 
“The fix for our energy sector won’t come solely from constructing more infrastructure at pace. It’s critical to rethink how we can manage and develop a smarter energy system. Increased generation is part of the journey, but another core area of focus will be energy efficiency going forward. We should be guided by a principal to do better – not necessarily more, in energy.
“Achieving good energy outcomes requires collaboration across the sector and across political lines. A multi-party strategy and agreed direction of travel can provide the best stability and confidence needed for long-term investments.
“By empowering people and businesses to adopt cleaner technologies and fostering a stable regulatory environment, we can build a resilient and sustainable energy system.”
“Today’s announced policy statement will assist in developing an energy strategy to guide investment, which the Government plans to release by the end of this year.
The BusinessNZ Network including BusinessNZ, EMA, Business Central, Business Canterbury and Business South, represents and provides services to thousands of businesses, small and large, throughout New Zealand.