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Source: PFLP Solidarity Aotearoa

“We strongly condemn the assassination strike against senior members and fighters of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the capital of Lebanon. While this is a blow to the PFLP, Israel has been murdering PFLP leaders since they were formed in 1967. The PFLP has a disciplined and well structured programme for training its cadre, which helps with the continuity of resistance until victory,” says PFLP Solidarity Aotearoa spokesperson Paul Hopkinson.

“We mourn the loss of Imad Audi, PFLP’s resistance leader in Lebanon; and Mohammad Abdel Aal and Abdel Rahman Abdel Aal, members of the group’s political committee. Every death and injury caused by the State of Israel is a crime against humanity. It should be condemned by everyone,” he added.

“We stand in solidarity with the people of Lebanon, who are the latest targets of US-EU imperialism who have armed and funded the State of Israel while it commits war crime after war crime. We stand in solidarity with those in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank facing genocide. We stand in solidarity with the resistance defending them,” states Paul Hopkinson.

PFLP Solidarity Aotearoa was set up to support the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation by the Israeli state. Palestinian solidarity is often based on an assumption that resistance should be passive. But the Palestinians have the right to resist occupation whether by armed or unarmed resistance. International law and the United Nations have affirmed this right. Resistance is not terrorism.