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Source: Auckland Council

A proposed plan change that acknowledges nine sites of significance to mana whenua has been supported by Papakura Local Board.

Board chair Brent Catchpole has been appointed to speak to the board’s view at any hearing and says the changes seek to recognise the association mana whenua have with outstanding natural features and historic places.

“The Pahurehure islands have been nominated as a site of cultural significance in our area,” he says.

“The developers, Karaka Harbourside Estates Limited and Pararēkau Island Limited, have made a submission in support of the scheduling, but have asked for some changes to the extent of the site, and to the Unitary Plan’s historic heritage schedule.

“The submission generally reflects an agreed position between iwi and the landowner before the plan change was notified, and we are very keen to see the site included.

“We think it’s critical that we get this right and that we have a sound way of working with mana whenua around which groups should be consulted on future development proposals on scheduled sites of significance.”

Determining the correct iwi to deal with was a theme of wider submissions to the plan change, with calls to include a requirement that only the ‘appropriate’ or ‘correct’ hapū, those recognised as ‘tangata whenua’, were engaged with.

“Across Tāmaki Makaurau there are 19 recognised mana whenua entities.” Catchpole says.

“We should do all we can to understand the cultural values of sites and places of significance to those groups.”

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