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Source: Save The Children

Sonia Khush, Save the Children Country Director in Ukraine, said:   

“The strike in Lviv – where three children including a baby were reportedly killed – proves once again, that even far away from the frontline children can never be truly safe from attacks. So far, every single day of September has been marred by air strikes, and dozens of children have been killed or injured in deadly explosions. 

“Instead of morning alarms that would wake them to go to school, children are startled awake by air raid sirens and forced into shelters straight out of bed. Instead of learning and playing, children are being killed, injured, and left emotionally distressed. Three in four children in Ukraine are living in constant fear amid an escalating mental health crisis

“As there are no signs of attacks slowing, children are paying the highest price. We must no longer tolerate violence against the most vulnerable of human beings. International humanitarian law should be the cornerstone that everybody abides by to ensure children, their families, and homes are protected from shelling and strikes.”  


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