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Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Gateway requires three reports throughout the year of delivery, at the time and in the format we specify below.
Please note:

Schools must report on Gateway programmes through Workspace 2 using the template provided. The first Gateway enrolments report is due before 5.00pm on the first Friday of term 3 and the second is due before 5.00pm on 20 December each year.
The first report covers terms 1 and 2 and should not include workplace placements with a start date later than the last day of term 2.
The second report should include all the school’s workplace placements for the year, including those from the first report.
Unit standard results are reported separately on the template provided in Workspace 2. This report is due before 5.00pm on the last Friday in February of the following year.

For more information see the Gateway Handbook (PDF 404 KB).
The sample templates below give you an idea of the data you need to provide.

We monitor school performance and practices to understand their performance in the sector, and to inform our decisions about future funding.
We monitor whether a school has:

an average level of achievement per learner of at least 20 credits on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF), or
at least 20 National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) credits, drawn from Vocational Pathways.

Performance expectations
We expect schools to achieve an average of 20 credits per learner. We will continue to monitor credit achievement and engage if we have concerns. We may also withhold or adjust funding if we are not satisfied with explanations regarding performance.
We base the 20-credit minimum achievement level on the average credits achieved by learners across a school’s Gateway group. Not all learners need to achieve 20 credits – some may achieve less while others achieve more.
We consider performance against this minimum credit achievement level when we make future funding decisions, although meeting the minimum credit achievement level is not a guarantee of future funding.
For more information see the Gateway Handbook (PDF 404 KB).
In addition, we use the following measures to assess Gateway programme performance:

number of learners enrolled,
individual learning plans for each learner,
average credit achievement by learners,
achievement of employment and further training outcomes by learners,
Māori and Pasifika learner participation, and
any other matter or aspect of Gateway provision we consider relevant.

Delivery volumes – 75 percent requirement 
We expect schools to enrol learners in at least 75 percent of their funded places (work placements) by the end of term 2. Following the mid-year enrolment report, we use this enrolment volume data as a basis for talking to schools about how their Gateway programme is tracking.
We consider performance against the 75 percent benchmark when we make future funding decisions, although meeting the benchmark is not a guarantee of future funding.
We expect schools to fill 100 percent of their agreed Gateway places by the end of the calendar year. We calculate this as the total number of learners on the programme as a percentage of the funded Gateway places.
If enrolments at your school are likely to be significantly below the number of places we agreed on, please discuss options with our Customer Contact Group, phone 0800 601 301 or email
Decreasing your funded Gateway places 
You can ask to reduce your funded Gateway places if you are likely to enrol fewer students in the programme than you agreed to. Please let us know as soon as possible.
To apply for a reduction in Gateway places, complete the Gateway proposal for decreased places application form and email it to
Funding wash-ups
At the end of each calendar year, if you have not delivered all of your Gateway placements, we will calculate a recovery of funding (funding wash-up).
For the calculation of funding wash-ups see the methodology and technical specifications from the relevant year. The most recent information is at the top.