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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

State Highway 2/High Street is open to two-way traffic, with significant road rehabilitation work completed.

Mark Owen, Regional Manager Lower North Island / Top of the South, says the road was reopened to two-way traffic around three am on Tuesday morning (2 July)

“Work on the project began on  3 June, and the final layer of asphalt was laid this week on Monday night, meaning the work crews completed the job on time in just over four weeks.”

“We do appreciate it has been a big job that has disrupted drivers, residents, and businesses.”

Finished road rehabilitation works. SH2/High Street, Carterton.

Mr Owen thanks the community for its patience and co-operation while the work has been underway.

“We understand work like this does have a big impact on the community, and we appreciate the  co-operation and patience they have shown.”

“The good news is that the newly repaired road is much stronger, more resilient, and much better to drive on when travelling through this section of Carterton,” Mr Owen says.

While the substantive work is complete, Mr Owen says some tidy-up tasks still need to be finished.
“We still have to adjust the road level around service covers  near the Rhodes  Street intersection. Work crews will do this at night to minimise the impact on drivers and businesses.”

“We will be able to get this done without having to close the road and detour traffic, Mr Owen says.

This work is going to be carried out Sunday night (7 July). Monday night is set aside as a contingency if there are weather delays. It is expected the work will be done under altered lane layout.