Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
State Highway 1 Weld Pass will be the site of summer state highway maintenance works next month.
Night works are planned for the route from 18 to 20 February (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights) between 8pm and 6am.
Rob Service, System Manager – Top of the South, says it means Weld Pass will be closed to all traffic while the work is completed.
“Our contractors will be carrying out road repairs, fixing road signs and guardrails, installing raised line markings, as well as investigating future options for improving and maintaining the highway’s road surface.”
“Because of the work involved and the fact the highway through Weld Pass is narrow, night closures are the best way to get the work done as quickly and safely as possible. The quicker we can finish the work, the less disruption road users will face,” Mr Service says.
Resurfacing work on SH1 Weld Pass.
Mr Service says the work has been planned as carefully as possible to have the least impact on traffic, and there will be two openings every night to let queued traffic through the work areas – one at midnight and another at 3 am.
“The work is timed to avoid the holiday season, and doing the work at night means it’s happening when fewer people are on the roads.”
“However, we know the Christchurch to Picton route is vital for the freight industry and those using the Picton ferries. This is why we are having two nightly openings of the route to ensure road users can get to where they need to go. The midnight and three am openings are deliberately timed to fit with ferry schedules,” Mr Service says.
The closures will create delays for those travelling overnight between Christchurch and Blenheim/Picton. Drivers are urged to factor this into their travel plans and allow extra time for their journeys. This is especially important for drivers with ferry connections.
Meanwhile, Mr Service says further maintenance and inspection work is planned for Weld Pass this year.
“Drivers can expect night closures in late April/early May to ensure the highway is in good shape before winter and another closure in October ahead of summer. Weld Pass is a vital part of State Highway 1 in Marlborough, and it’s essential it is regularly maintained and serviced.”
Works schedule
- Sunday, 18 February, Monday, 19 February, and Tuesday, 20 February. 8pm to 6am.
- Full road closure – no suitable local road detours available. An alternative route to Christchurch is via the inland route – St Arnaud, Murchison, Lewis Pass. This is a significantly longer route and has much longer travel times.
- There will be two openings of the road every night – one at midnight and one at 3 am – to let queued traffic through the work area. The northbound lane will travel first, followed by the southbound lane.
- If works are delayed due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, Wednesday 21 February will be a contingency night.
- Road users must follow the instructions of contractors and obey all temporary speed limits and traffic controls.