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Source: Ministry for Primary Industries

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The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is intending, under section 29 of the ACVM Act 1997, to reassess the conditions of registration applied to all registered vertebrate toxic agents (VTAs). This will be performed sequentially according to the active ingredient, starting with the anti-coagulants and, most immediately, brodifacoum. 

MPI has held 2 previous rounds of consultation, the first of which was targeted to industry and the second was a public consultation held in April 2021. These have provided useful feedback on proposed changes to the regulatory controls which were considered as part of this final consultation on the proposed new controls.

First public consultation: Changes to the conditions of registration of products containing brodifacoum

As the proposed reassessment of all registered VTA products containing the active ingredient brodifacoum could impact on a wide range of stakeholders, MPI is seeking feedback from all interested parties on the proposed new controls for the manufacture, sale, storage, and use of brodifacoum as a VTA in New Zealand.

We welcome your comments about the proposals and how they will impact the use of these products (as outlined in the discussion document).

Discussion document

Proposal to modify the regulatory controls covering the manufacture, sale, storage and use of brodifacoum-based vertebrate toxic agent (VTA) products [PDF, 794 KB]

Related document

Responses to the submissions from the April 2021 brodifacoum public consultation [PDF, 779 KB]

Making a submission

Email your feedback on the discussion document by 5pm on 11 December 2023 to

While we prefer email, you can send your submission by post to:

ACVM Programmes and Appraisals
Ministry for Primary Industries
PO Box 2526
Wellington 6140
New Zealand.

What to include in your submission

  • The title of this consultation (Proposed controls for the manufacture, sale, storage, and use of products containing brodifacoum).
  • Your name and title (if applicable).
  • Your organisation’s name (if applicable).
  • Your address.

Also answer these questions:

  • Is the level of detail appropriate?
  • Are there any areas that need more guidance?
  • Do you have any additional feedback?