Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises road users to watch for a changing road layout as remedial works continue on State Highway 1 at Rangiriri.
Work in the northbound lanes has been extended until the end of October because further works were identified in the investigation stage after traffic was moved on to the southbound lanes.
However, the 4.8km site will be open on all four lanes before and over Labour Weekend 20-23 October. The set up will be completed on Thursday, 19 October, with all lanes open to traffic the following day. There will be a 70km/h speed restriction due to the ongoing surface work.
At the end of the month the final of four stages of works will get under way on the southbound lanes, with all traffic sharing the northbound lanes. This will see the Te Kauwhata southbound off and on-ramps closed, with drivers needing to use the Rangiriri ramps when coming and going from the expressway.
Some time has been lost in the programme due to the extra work required, and it is now expected to finish in mid-November.
The different stages and locations require different on and off-ramp closures. People are asked to take extra care when travelling through the interchanges by following any temporary speed limits, traffic management and signs.
When the current works are complete a speed restriction will remain for a settling period ahead of final surfacing.
Waka Kotahi encourages people to allow extra time if travelling on this section of the Waikato Expressway, recommending they merge early into a single lane to help lessen congestion.
Waka Kotahi apologises for the disruption this work is causing and thanks people for their patience.