Greenpeace activists drop banners from Parliament gallery, call for climate election


Source: Greenpeace

Greenpeace activists have dropped three banners from the public gallery to call for a climate election, as Parliament adjourns for the last time before the election.
Greenpeace spokesperson Christine Rose says “today is Parliament’s last sitting day, and we’re calling on all politicians to take urgent action to cut climate pollution from big dairy.”
“Big dairy is New Zealand’s worst climate polluter. For too long, the industry has been denying and delaying action on agricultural emissions. And now, we are seeing the impacts of the climate crisis every day. This cannot continue.”
Activists dropped three banners, featuring the slogans ‘too many cows’ and ‘climate election now’ alongside climate disaster images in the shape of cows, during question time. Greenpeace is labelling the action a “timely reminder” for politicians, for whom Parliament’s last sitting day effectively marks the start of the election campaign.
“All political parties must have a credible plan to tackle Big Dairy’s climate pollution, which is caused by the fact that we have too many cows,” says Rose.
“Our representatives in Parliament have not yet stepped up to the task of reining in pollution from the dairy industry. We need to see urgent action, not more delay. That means committing to phase out synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, and transition away from intensive dairying towards more plant-based, regenerative, organic agriculture.
“People across the motu have felt the impacts of the climate crisis this year, from Cyclone Gabrielle in the north, to severe drought in the south. Climate change is here, and this year’s election must be a climate election, where all political parties prioritise urgent climate action.”
Greenpeace, alongside more than forty other organisations, is calling on all political parties to adopt ten key actions for a safe and stable climate and healthy environment. These are outlined in a plan known as Climate Shift. More than 14,000 New Zealanders have signed on in support of the plan since it launched in June.


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