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Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard

STUART SMITH (National—Kaikōura): Thank you, Madam Speaker. I think the 12 a.m. finish this morning has clearly coloured some of the debate this morning. It’s fantastic, I enjoy an early start anyway, so it’s great to be out here.

I note the Minister said this bill is technical; it’s not technical, it’s autocratic. That’s what it is—it’s actually autocratic. We believe in localism on this side of the House and consulting with councils—we do talk to our councils; I talk to mine. What they don’t want is us telling them what to do, and this is exactly what this is doing, it’s telling them what to do. It’s putting in place that every six years they have to put an agenda item on their agenda through this legislation—it’s outrageous. These people are elected to represent their constituents, they’re ratepayers, they should be able to make that call, not us here. That is outrageous, and to put it up there, I’d have to say I think even saying that they have to consult with iwi and communities—that’s round the wrong way. You should have to consult with your community and iwi, in that order, because the community is the majority—covers everyone, and that’s what they are elected to represent. They want to consult other groups? Fine. That’s fantastic. And should there be Māori wards? That’s a decision for the community.

This is the major step towards making that decision for them. I think it’s outrageous and it shows quite, I think, in the dying days of this Government—thank goodness—in the dying days of this Government, they have a priority of trying to bring this up. It really shows, and that’s why we’re getting such positive feedback in the electorate for us coming in towards Government. They are absolutely—people are sick of the ideology-driven Government and so let’s bring on October 14 and see the end, or the back, of this Government.