Source: University of Otago
Matariki Market Day
The weather outside may have been uninspiring but it was all warmth and aroha inside the University of Otago, Christchurch campus last Friday as staff and students gathered for the annual Matariki staff awards alongside a new event a –Matariki Market Day.
The day of celebration kicked off at 10am in the Rolleston Foyer with colourful stalls selling an array of goodies including baked treats, organic food, crafts, art prints, jewellery, candles, bathroom products, toys, children’s clothing, traditional & contemporary Maori arts, plants, and a variety of ceramics.
The Matariki Staff Awards began at midday with a mihimihi from Dean and Head of Campus Professor Suzanne Pitama, acknowledging the passing of former staff before congratulating those about to receive awards for the 2022 academic year. Professor Pitama says this annual event is a perfect opportunity to illuminate our own stars on campus who “shine as bright as the Matariki stars”, and whose mahi aligns with UOC’s five cultural values on which the awards are based.
The event concluded with a whakawatea from Professor Pitama and wonderful kai catered by the Central Park café team.
Award winners
The award winners were as follows:
Tōtara tū ki te parae | Social accountability
This award acknowledges staff contribution to utilising their research/teaching influence to better support community initiatives and innovations.
Professor Bridget Robinson for her mana among the clinicians and scientists in Canterbury; for establishing the Canterbury Comprehensive Cancer Centre (C4); and for her interaction with patients, colleagues, students and researchers.
Dr Ruqayya Sulaiman-Hill for the setting up and leadership of a team of Muslim researchers to understand the impacts of the March 15 terror attacks on the community. This work sits alongside her leadership roles within the Muslim community, including supporting development into research and heath positions.
Aaron Dyer for being extremely proactive and helpful in funding solutions for any issues related to animal research work; his care and attention to animal welfare above and beyond the scope of his role; and his diligence towards a high standard of care and quality of work.
Ngākau tapatahi | Integrity
This award acknowledges staff who have demonstrated integrity through their work.
Amber Philpott for her respect and value of all people she comes into contact with and her hard work to ensure student needs are met not only within the teaching module but as human beings outside of their studies.
Mā whero, mā pango | Collaboration
Presenter – Professor Suetonia Palmer. This award acknowledges staff for their demonstration as a key stakeholder in supporting the growth and development of the UOC campus.
Dr Chris Hendry and Dr David Healee for their outstanding collaboration with leaders in the healthcare sector to keep abreast of changes within the structure of the health system and the consequent impact on nursing leadership and the growth of clinical nursing research.
Dr Laura Joyce for her advocacy for the students of the three medical schools to make overseas student electives a reality; collaborating with the University on many levels as well as students to create the best outcomes for all.
Fran Cox and Amanda Clifford for their coordination of and participation in campus wellbeing initiatives and campus events which draw staff and students together from across campus.
Dr Nick Magon for going out of his way to share his wealth of knowledge in mass spectrometry with others; and for being a mentor to many PhD and honours’ students in his research group.
The Clinical Mastery Peer Teaching Programme Team (Ella Hartley, Dr Jess Stanners, Professor Lutz Beckert and Scott Hallman) for their creation of this new peer/peer teaching programme which – in the context of COVID and the limited opportunities for medical students to practice clinical skills in recent years – has been invaluable in providing critical practice and learning for our future health professionals.
Aroha ki te tangata | Respect
This award acknowledges staff for their ongoing support to UOC through their networking and advocacy.
Dr Logan Walker for his ability to successfully engage students in his radiology teaching through simplifying and making difficult concepts more accessible, uplifting the abilities of all those he teaches.
Teaching Awards
Dr Ally Calder (Physiotherapy)
Lauren Wallace (Respiratory)
Dr Brooke Beardsley (Anatomical Pathology)
Dr Brandon Burke (Clinical Skills)
Associate Professor Phil Bird (Otolaryngology)
Dr Jenni Manuel (Psychological Medicine)
Dr Ramez Ailabouni (Orthopaedics and Advanced Surgery)
Research Awards
Profesor Gillian Abel (Population Health)
Associate Professor Cameron Lacey (Māori/Indigenous Health)
The Robin Fraser Research Supporter of the Year
Professor Lisa Stamp
Christchurch Medical Students Association (CMSA) Awards to Staff
The staff member adjudged by students to have been the Best Consultant Teacher:
Ms Tamara Glynn (4th year)
Dr Tom Cawood (5th year)
Dr Tamara Brodie (TI year)
The staff member adjudged by students to have been the Best Registrar Teacher:
Dr Brendan Desmond (4th year)
Dr Ellen Burch (5th year)
Dr Yongtai Beh (TI year)
The staff member adjudged by students to have been the Best House Officer Teacher:
Dr Hannah Kim (4th year)
Dr James Manning (5th year)
Dr Danni Ryan (TI year)
The teaching run adjudged by students to have been the Best Module:
SGO (4th year)
Advanced Medicine (5th year)
The staff member adjudged by students to have been the Best Module Convenor:
Dr Michaela Glanville (4th year)
Professor Tony Walls (5th year)
Dr Laura Joyce (TI year)
The vertical module adjudged by students to have been the Best Vertical Module:
Haematology (4th year)
Haematology (5th year)
Clinical Skills (TI year)
The staff member adjudged by students to have been the Best Vertical Module Teacher:
Dr Sean Macpherson (4th year)
Dr Sean Macpherson (5th year)
John Dean (TI year)
The staff member adjudged by students to have offered the most support:
Jen Van Dijk (4th year)
Fran Barrett (5th year)
Associate Professor Tania Huria (TI year)
Mana whakatupu | Leadership
This award acknowledges staff for their demonstrated leadership at UOC.
Sandra Scannell for her leadership of the administration process for the site visit related to the internationalisation of the Master of Nursing Science programme, making an important contribution to the outcomes of the accreditation process which are of great significance to the international standing of the University of Otago.
Dr Michaela Glanville for her outstanding leadership in modifying teaching to minimise student learning disruption during the multiple complex and ever-changing plans and challenges presented by COVID-19.
The 2022 Christchurch Medical Students Association for their cohesiveness as a team during some of the challenging trials of 2022, which included navigating significant disruptions to medical school learning through the COVID traffic light system.
The Gold Medal for Research Excellence
This award acknowledges staff for their demonstrated sustained excellence in research which magnifies the values of UOC and has contributed t0 the health and wellbeing of Aotearoa New Zealand.
This award notes their extensive dissemination of health evidence with most of their cited publications being first or senior authorship, with the majority of work being carried out on the Christchurch campus.
These recipients continue to make an ongoing positive contribution to the UOC research environment through mentorship and leadership, and are acknowledged by their peers as having significantly impacted what we know in their fields of expertise.
Professor Gary Hooper (Orthopaedic and Musculoskeletal Medicine)
Professor Mike Ardagh (Surgery)
The Gold Medal for Teaching Excellence
This award acknowledges staff for their demonstrated sustained outstanding competence in teaching and/or supervision; course development and/or innovation; contribution to the UOC teaching and learning environment; and leadership in teaching and learning.
Dr Lynette Murdoch (General Practice)
Associate Professor Philip Pattemore (Paediatrics)
University of Otago, Christchurch Dean Professor Suzanne Pitama presents a Matariki staff award to Lauren Wallace.