Health Workforce Strategic Framework


Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health

Manatū Hauora | the Ministry of Health has developed the Health Workforce Strategic Framework to guide health system settings and ensure Aotearoa New Zealand has a sustainable, representative and responsive health workforce that can meet the future needs of people and whānau

The strategic framework sets out the priority issues for Aotearoa’s health workforce, including the need to tackle structural and systemic barriers, which result in Māori being excluded from and/or prevented from achieving in the health sector. It also sets out the aspirations for the health workforce; however, these will only be realised if the priority issues are addressed using a whole of system approach. 

The strategic framework has been informed by engagement with the health sector in late 2022, which identified key health workforce challenges and opportunities for change.

The strategic framework outlines five levers (policy areas) to deliver the changes needed: education and training; employment settings; commissioning of health services; investment across the health system; and legislation.


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