Health and Independence Report 2022


Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health

The 2022 Health and Independence Report presents an overview of the state of public health in Aotearoa New Zealand for the 2022 calendar year. It does this by presenting data from a range of sources. It complements the Ministry`s Annual Report, which includes detailed information about the strategic direction of the health and disability system and measures of its performance and impact.

The report contains a range of information about the population, health measures, determinants of health, and the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the ongoing health inequities and how Māori, Pacific peoples, disabled people and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups generally experience worse health outcomes than other New Zealanders.

The 2022 report is divided into four sections:

  • People of Aotearoa New Zealand – overview of population health measures and the health system reforms.
  • Health measures – a range of information about the health of New Zealander’s, including topics such as health expectancy, mortality, mental wellbeing, chronic pain and diabetes.
  • Determinants of health – the wider determinants that influence people’s mental and physical health. The topics covered range from child poverty and the housing environment to diet and health care service use.
  • COVID-19 – an overview of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Health and Independence Report 2022 and Pae Ora Health Strategies were produced from a shared evidence base of health and non-health data.


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