TTAF Interactions with other Funds


Source: Tertiary Education Commission

If a learner enrolled in a TTAF course after 1 July 2020, were they eligible for Fees Free?
Qualifications and programmes included in the TTAF targeted areas are excluded from Fees Free. In other words, where both could apply, the learner’s fees were funded by the TTAF, and not through Fees Free.
Learners that undertook TTAF programmes did not use up their Fees Free entitlements, and did not have this learning count as prior study for the limits under Fees Free.
This meant that if a learner was enrolled in a TTAF course, it did not count towards use of their Fees Free entitlement.
If a learner has completed a TTAF course and goes on to further study, are they eligible for Fees Free?
A Fees Free eligible learner who completed a TTAF course will still be entitled to the full Fees Free entitlement (the lower of $12,000, or the equivalent of one year’s study, or two years of work-based learning) for any further study they undertake. The learner will need to meet the Fees Free eligibility criteria for the year that they start Fees Free study or training.If the learner used some of their Fees Free entitlement prior to TTAF, then they will be able to access their remaining entitlement after TTAF.
How did the TEC calculate Fees Free funding for enrolments that were only partially covered by the TTAF?            
The allocations for enrolments that were partially covered by the TTAF were calculated based on set transition rules.
Any fees not covered by the TTAF may be covered by Fees Free for eligible learners.
Do TEOs need to include details on TTAF courses and programmes in Fees Free returns?
You are not required to give us details of courses that are covered in full by the TTAF in your monthly Fees Free returns, as these are not eligible for Fees Free.
If the course is only partially covered by the TTAF and the learner is eligible for Fees Free, you should include these TTAF courses in your Fees Free return. You should report the full EFTS and dollars charged to the learner for the course (including any portion covered by the TTAF). We will calculate the portion to be covered by Fees Free for you, based on the transition rules.This will enable the TEC to ensure we accurately determine the learner’s Fees Free entitlement use, and ensure learners are not disadvantaged in the future.


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