Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Urgent repairs on SH31-Kawhia Road will see all traffic halted for 10-minute intervals tomorrow, Wednesday 22 February.
Contractors need a clear road space above an under-slip to get quick-setting concrete into a large cavity on the left-hand shoulder.
The first delivery of concrete will be at 9am and is expected to take about 10 minutes to pump in. Once this layer has dried, a second layer will be added.
“This is only a very quick short-term fix, to help prevent water getting into the crack and making the slip worse. A long-term solution is being developed,” says Waka Kotahi System Manager for Waikato, Cara Lauder.
The under-slip is 20km west of the corner of SH31 and SH39 at Tihiroa.
“We will continue to monitor the site while the long-term solution is designed and implemented,” Ms Lauder says.
“SH31 is the route in and out of Kawhia – and there are no sealed alternatives. We want to keep this road open until comprehensive repairs can be completed, providing it remains safe to do so.’’
About 800 vehicle a day use Kawhia Road and around 13 per cent are trucks.