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Source: Screenrights
Screenrights’ 2023 Cultural Fund is open for applications today, with up to $250,000 in funding available for projects that respond to the annual focus of New Visions.

“New Visions aim to let us see something differently. Perhaps it’s a reimagining of creative processes, an innovative way to connect with audiences, or a project which destroys stereotypes – or perhaps all of these,” says Screenrights Board Director Rachel Antony, who has taken over as Chair of the Cultural Fund Working Group from outgoing Board Director Geoffrey Atherden. “Every year we’re thrilled to see the calibre and breadth of applications and how they interpret the theme; we encourage all the visionaries out there to submit.”

Continuing in its efforts to reduce barriers to entry and increase the diversity of funded initiatives, for the second year Screenrights will be accepting expressions of interest from applicants who are less experienced in funding submissions. Through the EOI process, these applicants can draw on external assistance provided by Screenrights to help shape their submissions in order to optimise their chances of receiving funding.

The Fund awards up to $50,000 per initiative, with a total funding pool of $250,000 available each year. 2023 applications will close on Wednesday 12 April, at 7pm NZT.

The guidelines and application form are now available at


Find out about previous recipients (including the New Zealand 2022 Cultural Fund recipients, POW Studios and Pacific Kids Learning):

Further information about the Cultural Fund:


Screenrights is a non-profit organisation that provides rights and royalty management services to the screen industry, and facilitates access to screen content for licensees. Screenrights licenses Australian and New Zealand educators, and Australian government and pay TV retransmitters, to copy and communicate broadcast content. From the licence fees Screenrights collects, the organisation distributes royalty payments to rightsholder members for the programmes being used.

Screenrights also provides services to the screen industry such as worldwide royalty collection, film and television disbursements, performer residuals management, and an annual Cultural Fund.