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Source: Animals Aotearoa

HelloFresh is demonstrating a serious commitment to higher animal welfare by signing the Better Chicken Commitment in New Zealand. Advocacy charity, Animals Aotearoa, worked with HelloFresh to achieve this progress. HelloFresh’s commitment follows their overseas progress where they have already signed the Better Chicken Commitment in Europe and the United States.  
The Australia-New Zealand Better Chicken Commitment lays out strict, science-based standards for rearing chickens bred for meat; standards which far exceed those currently set by the New Zealand government. The ANZ Better Chicken Commitment is backed by 15 animal organisations including the New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Aotearoa (VAWA), Compassion in World Farming and World Animal Protection.
Animals Aotearoa Executive Director, Marianne Macdonald, applauds HelloFresh for being an early adopter.
“HelloFresh is showing leadership in the food business sector in not only using the best animal welfare practices available now, but also demanding better for the future.”
“Kiwis don’t want to be sold cruelty. As a global business, HelloFresh recognises that the Better Chicken Commitment standards are quickly becoming industry standard for companies that care about animal welfare.”
“The Better Chicken Commitment will significantly improve how chickens are raised and slaughtered. Most importantly, these standards mean the farming of healthier, more naturally-growing chicken breeds on farms that provide more space per bird, perches to rest on and natural light.”  
“We urge other food businesses to follow the lead of HelloFresh and do the right thing for both chickens and for their customers.”

About Animals Aotearoa

Animals Aotearoa is a charity founded to end the suffering of farmed animals. They shine a light on what is hidden behind the walls of factory-farm sheds, and help chickens bred for meat by achieving corporate policies to substantially improve their welfare.
Animals Aotearoa is one of over 90 organisations who make up the Open Wing Alliance, a global coalition of animal advocacy organisations, with the shared purpose of working to substantially improve the welfare of chickens.
We know that caring Kiwis don’t tolerate animal suffering and together we are creating a life worth living for chickens.