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Source: Auckland Council

And the front runners in Auckland’s local election so far are…

Wayne Brown is leading Auckland’s mayoralty race with 144,619 votes, ahead of Efeso Collins by 54,808 votes. This progress result reflects approximately 85 to 90 per cent of votes counted after voting closed at midday today.

There is more counting to be done, as votes received this morning before the voting deadline and, special votes, are yet to be counted.

Outgoing Mayor Phil Goff gives his best to candidates, “Congratulations to the provisionally-elected Mayor and provisionally-elected members. I wish you all the very best in stewarding Auckland’s next chapter. There is no greater privilege than representing Auckland and your community and it has been a pleasure serving the city for the past six years.”

Here are the number of votes the top three mayoral candidates had received as at Friday 7 October:

  • Wayne Brown 144,619
  • Efeso Collins 89,811
  • Craig Lord 18,293

See the full list of progress results at

“We have been delighted with the success of the Vote Boxes,” says Rose Leonard, Auckland Council’s Manager Governance Services. “Last-minute special voting has been busier than previous elections and we’re feeling encouraged that voters have made that last-minute effort.

“The preliminary result on Monday 10 October will give us a clearer indication of candidates’ positions after Saturday’s morning votes have been included.

“There may be some close calls between ward councillors and local board candidates in some areas. All elected members will be confirmed when we receive the final count next Friday from Independent Election Services, which will also include the special votes. Once declared, these official results will determine the new council,” comments Rose.

For everything there is to know about elections, visit