Source: Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA)
Nominations are invited for six vacancies on Komiti Pasifika. Four of these will be one-year terms and two will be two-year terms.
PPTA Te Wehengarua recognises the particular needs of Pacific Island teachers and students, and is committed to the promotion of policies and programmes to address their professional, industrial and cultural issues. This work is co-ordinated regionally through local Pasifika networks and Regional Pasifika coordinators and nationally through PPTA’s Komiti Pasifika
Nominations are invited for six vacancies on Komiti Pasifika. Four of these will be one-year terms and two will be two-year terms.
The Komiti Pasifika advises the PPTA on the needs of Pasifika teachers and students. The Komiti generally advises the PPTA National Executive on Pacific issues and concerns, as well as bringing a Pacific outlook to PPTA policy. One of the Komiti Pasifika members is also a member of the PPTA National Executive.
The Komiti has six members, who are elected by Pasifika members of PPTA. Only Pasifika members who are listed on the electoral roll held at PPTA National Office are eligible to be nominated and vote in elections.
The membership of the Komiti tries to reflect the appropriate balance of Pacific cultures in New Zealand, to ensure gender balance and, if possible, to reflect the geographical spread of PPTA Pacific teachers within New Zealand.
There are four vacancies in Area 1. Two vacancies are for one year (2023) and two vacancies are for two years (2023-2024).
Area 1 includes the following regions:
Northland (Upper Central & Lower)
Tamaki Makaurau Auckland
Counties Manukau
Central Plateau
Hauraki Coromandel
Bay of Plenty
Western Bay of Plenty
East Coast
There are two vacancies in Area 2. One vacancy is for one year (2023) and one vacancy is for two years (2023-2024).
Area 2 includes the remaining regions:
Hawkes Bay
Manawatu – Wanganui
Hutt Valley
West Coast
One nomination form and a candidate information sheet must be received by 5pm on Friday 16 September, and should be emailed to or Fax to (04) 382 8763.