Cabinet paper ENV-22-SUB-0011 – Emissions Reduction Plan: Addressing Emissions Leakages


Source: Inland Revenue Department –

Information release of papers relating to the Emissions reduction plan.

Further information relating to the Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan can be found on the Ministry for the Environment’s website.

Documents in this information release
  1. IR2022/036 T2022/197 – Tax policy report: Emissions reduction plan: addressing emissions leakages (10 February 2022) (19 pages; PDF 447 KB)
  2. ENV-22-SUB-0011 – Cabinet paper: Emissions Reduction Plan: Addressing Emissions Leakages (31 March 2022) (17 pages; PDF 418 KB)
  3. ENV-22-MIN-SUB-0011 – Minute: Emissions Reduction Plan: Addressing Emissions Leakages (31 March 2022 (2 pages; PDF 132 KB)
Additional information

The Cabinet paper was considered by the Cabinet Environment, Energy and Climate Committee on 31 March 2022 and confirmed by Cabinet on 4 April 2022.           

Cabinet paper ENV-22-SUB-0011: Emissions reduction plan

pdf 750.47 KB 42 pages


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