Source: Environmental Protection Authority
17 August 2022
An independent panel has granted resource consent, with conditions, to build the New Dunedin Hospital – Whakatuputupu Outpatient Building.
The outpatient building will include consultation and treatment spaces, day surgery and facilities for procedure and diagnostic services.
It will be constructed across sites in Cumberland Street, Castle Street and Anzac Avenue.
The Minister of Health and the Ministry of Health made an application for resource consent under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020. An earlier application for enabling works including site clearing, earthworks and foundation works across the New Dunedin Hospital sites was granted consent in December 2021.
The decision comes 84 working days after the application was lodged with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
The EPA is not involved in the decision-making – we provide advice and administrative support for the panel convener, Judge Laurie Newhook, and the expert consenting panels he appoints.
Read the panel decision for stage one work on the New Dunedin Hospital (PDF, 669KB)