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Source: New Zealand Ministry of Health

The May 2022 Monitoring Report provides an overview of the progress being made against the COVID-19 Māori Health Protection Plan’s monitoring framework.

Demonstrating a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the achievement of Māori health equity remains a critical priority in the COVID-19 Māori health response. This Monitoring Report is the latest in a suite of strategic documents that have guided the work of the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) and the health and disability sector in responding to COVID-19 for Māori.

Although our response to COVID-19 has pivoted again to respond to the new challenges presented by the Omicron variant, the drivers, enablers and actions of the Māori Protection Plan remain relevant. Improving Māori vaccination rates and building community resilience remain integral to protecting Māori health and wellbeing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as positioning communities to recover from the impacts of the pandemic into the future.

Progress continues to be made against the priorities outlined in the Māori Protection Plan. This includes targeted communications tailored for and with Māori, increased funding to Māori providers to deliver services, equitable access for Māori to testing and testing supplies, and joined-up, tailored care provision for whānau isolating at home through the Care in the Community programme.

Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on Māori health has been integral to informing the evolving response of the health and disability system to give effect to the principles of Te Tiriti. The data presented in this Monitoring Report demonstrates where there have been improvements in addressing equity for Māori.

The data continues to highlight the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 has had on Māori. Persistent inequities remain in COVID-19 infection and hospitalisation rates, and COVID-19 third (booster) dose and child immunisation rates. More work is needed across the system to protect whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori from the impacts of COVID-19 and to mitigate existing impacts.

The Ministry will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on Māori health, including the impact of the pandemic on wider health system performance, as part of monitoring and reporting progress under both the Māori Protection Plan Monitoring Framework and Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020–2025. A further monitoring update will be released before the end of 2022.